Saturday, August 15, 2015

Book Blast - The Last of the Firedrakes by Frah Oomerbhoy

About The Book:
The Last of the Firedrakes By: Farah Oomerbhoy Publisher: Wise Ink Creative Publishing Pub Date: August 15, 2015 Pages: 488 Genre: Young Adult / Fantasy
A fantastic adventure story that will transport you to a dazzling world of myth and magic. 16-year-old Aurora Darlington is an orphan. Mistreated by her adopted family and bullied at school, she dreams of running away and being free. But when she is kidnapped and dragged through a portal into a magical world, suddenly her old life doesn’t seem so bad. Avalonia is a dangerous land ruled by powerful mages and a cruel, selfish queen who will do anything to control all seven kingdoms—including killing anyone who stands in her way.  Thrust headlong into this new, magical world, Aurora’s arrival sets plans in motion that threaten to destroy all she holds dear. With the help of a young fae, a magical pegasus, and a handsome mage, Aurora journeys across Avalonia to learn the truth about her past and unleash the power within herself. Kingdoms collide as a complicated web of political intrigue and ancient magic lead Aurora to unravel a shocking secret that will change her life forever.
Pre-Sale / Purchase Links:
About The Author:
For Farah Oomerbhoy, writing is a passion and reading her solace. She is a firm believer in the fantastic and magical, and often dreams of living in Narnia, Neverland, or the Enchanted Forest. Farah lives with her husband and three children in their family home in Mumbai, India. She has a Master’s degree in English Literature from the University of Mumbai.  Farah's first novel, The Last of the Firedrakes, Book 1 of the Avalonia Chronicles will be published worldwide August 15th, 2015.
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Pre-Sale Giveaway:

Firedrake Facebook Party:
Don't miss the 2-day Facebook Party to celebrate the release of THE LAST OF THE FIREDRAKES, featuring several guest authors, lots of prizes and even a few secrets.
August 14th and August 15th 10am - 8pm Eastern Time.
Event Hosted by:


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All Book Blasts consist of an on-site visit with Suzanne Kuhn and Anita Brooks, two senior Brookstone team members with more than 50 years combined experience in the book.

FTC Disclaimer - I do receive some books directly from the authors or publishers for review purposes. Each review posted is my own personal opinion and any books I accept are not guaranteed a positive review. I do not receive monetary gain from reviewing those books I accept.
I include affiliate links to Amazon in my reviews and other posts. Those links will take the reader to and I do receive a small percentage of each purchase.